

adidas official ball for FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa

hell yeah i want this ball. last night i went to teras kota to find this ball, but they said its out of stock. wish me luck, to have this ball coz i'll find it in bsd plaza, FIFA official store! :)


so these are my several works last night, while waiting for the morning-soccer.
and i was thinking to have this graphs on t-shirt.
comments are love

like i mention before, comments are love.
thanks :)


FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa

yeahh now people getting freak with soccer thing, and so do i.
people now days become insomnia, and so do i.
watch soccer together with friends, and so do i.
having tears and laugh also happiness, and so do i.
singing waving flag all day long, and so do i.

unfortunately, i support germany

this is PHILIPP LAHM, one of my favorite player.

i hope GERMANY will win this world cup, although michael ballack is not there because of the injury.
i think i should go now, preparing for morning-watch.